
We specialise in the design and facilitation of effective meetings, awaydays and offsite events.

We create an environment, spirit and pace that allows richer, purposeful dialogue to flourish.

High quality conversations are key to effective organisational leadership and performance.

Yet this quality is readily undermined by common organisational challenges, like:

conflicting agendas
crammed timetables
importance of pace ahead of quality
weak interpersonal relationships or mistrust
divisions between silos or across the hierarchy

asymmetry of power or need
under-confidence or un-willingness to challenge

Richer conversations

Off-site events and meetings are a significant investment in time and money. Yet the number of times I have heard this (below) said remains surprising!

The most valuable session was the coffee break…

At Redwood Learning, we specialise in making the most of that investment by slowing conversations down such that the real topics are discussed more honestly, leading to understanding, commitment and buy-in.

Our design and facilitation expertise builds the environments and safe, purposeful space where relationships are strengthened; the ‘quiet’ voices are heard; people speak their truths, saying and hearing the difficult messages; debate and discussion happens; threads are drawn together when the time is right.

We help you have the conversations you need to have with a lightness of touch; a purposeful authority; curiosity and insight; tools and techniques to aid discussion; delivered with the calmness and confidence arising from many years of experience.